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About Us

Hi there! I'm Tamara - owner of Gingerbread World European Christmas Market. Owner and everything else - collections curator, order taker and box packer! Welcome to my little shop - I'm so glad you found us!
Gingerbread World European Christmas Market - About Us
When I bought Gingerbread World 11 years ago the company only sold German Lebkuchen during the Christmas season. These German Gingerbread cookies and pastries famously baked in Nuremberg continue to be our biggest sellers. Over the years we've added all sorts of beautiful and yummy things from Europe.
Gingerbread World European Ware Haus - Lebkuchen Schmidt Canada - page banner
Our fabulous customers seem to like the directions we've taken because Gingerbread World has grown steadily over the years.

Christmas is always the most exciting time of the year around here. Germany practically invented Christmas - at least they invented many of the traditions around celebrating Christmas: the Christmas Tree, the Advent Calendar, so many different pastries and confections. We are delighted to import almost all of our yummy treats and beautiful ornaments and gifts from a growing number of European countries. To create here on our website an experience similar to shopping at a European Christmas Market.

Whether it's for Christmas or any time of year there are several things I look for when adding new items to my Shop:
  • they should be made in Europe (or at least designed in Europe)
  • they should be made by companies that are the best in their category and ideally have an interesting company story
  • they should be products that are premium quality, beautiful and have a story of their own - a story that my customers might share with their friends and family


Christmas 2024 starts on August 28 when all of our Christmas Collections are available for PRE-ORDER - meaning you get to reserve your favourites before they are sold out with the understanding that you will receive them in November when the arrive from Europe.

Thank you for visiting my little shop...Gingerbread World European Christmas Market. Feel free to call me if you have questions or stories to share. My good friend Elizabeth and I are available for customer service at 1-800-309-5559.
