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We have to admit that we have been indulging ourselves in our first season with Lebkuchen!
Loring - the 10 year old boy - has voted for the Chocolate Stars! He loves the chocolate and the jam inside!We've been sampling cookies and treats and the kids want to share their favourites!
Signe - the 12 year middle child - loves (no - LOVES) Speculatius. She opened one of those pink boxes the other night and finished off every last cookie!
Mariel - the oldest - thinks the Geominos cookies are pretty yummy! The chocolate bottom is delicious!
And I figure I should throw in my favourite! The Mom votes for the Schokolierte Geniesserchen - so good especially with a hot cup of tea! And they're each so small they can't do that much "harm" (can they?!?!).
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