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Officially off to Germany

It is officially happening! My mother and I met in the Toronto airport and are now sitting in the plane waiting to take off for Frankfurt. We can't wait for our big week of tradeshows and visiting to begin
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Manning - November 21, 2015

Oh that’s nice, I’m happy you liked it! The Danes are the best when it comes to making many stwees and pastries. If you would happen to visit Copenhagen some day I would recommend you to visit the Summerbird shop. That brand has the most delicious marzipan imaginable. Also, in Denmark they make a special kind of cookie called Kransekager which is sort of like baked marzipan also very tasty! Maybe your local shop has that too =) It’s interesting to hear though that after all Marzipan is only traditionally eaten in European countries. It’s not until in recent years that I’ve realized that it’s not a global phenomena (it’s so good so it ought to be everywhere I thought =) ). But it’s really nice that you can get it at your local Danish baker. I wonder what Canadian cookies I’m missing out on here in Sweden

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