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Four Companies Impressing Customers with Lebkuchen Schmidt Gifts at Christmas

Gingerbread World Lebkuchen Schmidt Corporate Gifts at ChristmasBuying Christmas gifts for customers and clients can be an even bigger challenge than buying for family and friends. What can a company give that stands out from all the other gifts customers receive?  

Here are four companies that order Lebkuchen Schmidt to give as Corporate Christmas gifts to their customers and why it’s always such a hit.

1.   United Maritime is one of the biggest ship chandlers in the Pacific Northwest. By always putting the customer first, owners Steven and Tom Kravariotis have gained the confidence and trust of ship owners. Every Christmas for years United Maritime has chosen to give Lebkuchen Schmidt chests and packages to their customers here in North America and all over Europe. Steven explains that the Lebkuchen Schmidt brand and products reinforce United Maritime’s corporate values – exceptional quality, thoughtful design and a European flavor that sets his company apart.

2.   Tanoak Boxers Perm. Reg’d regularly order Lebkuchen Schmidt chests and tins as a reward for good services provided and also as presents for friends and family members. Dieter and Helga Leidel were raised in Nürnberg, the city known for these specialties. There, traditionally Lebkuchen are given as gifts and are well received by everyone. The Leidels are appreciating that these treats are now also available in Canada.

3.   REHA Enterprises distributes German health and beauty product lines to customers in North America. Barbara Huck, Marketing Manager, says it is a no-brainer for REHA to give German-made products to customers at Christmas. “We believe that the quality of our German lines is exceptional. Giving premium quality Lebkuchen Schmidt to our customers at Christmas emphasizes our belief in German quality and product design. And – our customers are not receiving Lebkuchen from anyone else out there – so we know our gift will stand out”.

Gingerbread World Lebkuchen Schmidt - Corporate Gift Giving Ideas4.   Charlotte McCurdy is a partner at the law firm Taylor McCaffrey LLP in Winnipeg. She gave boxes of Elisen Favorites to choice clients last Christmas for the first time. Charlotte has no German background and likely her clients don’t either but she says, “I liked that there were different price levels to choose from to suit client size. And I really liked that the gift came basically pre-wrapped – the white Lebkuchen Schmidt boxes were good enough looking to present just as they were. My clients told me they had never received a gift like this before and were intrigued at the European flair!”

Gingerbread World has imported Lebkuchen Schmidt to Canada for more than 20 years and shipped it to and for customers all over North America and the world. We would love to work with your business in fulfilling all your customer and client gift needs.

Join our conversation and use the comment section below to share with us the gifts you and your company give at Christmas.

Previous article Lebkuchen Schmidt's Festive Chest 2019: Inside and Out


Eduardo - November 21, 2015

Looking forward to seenig yours all done! I unpacked this weekend and discovered that my 13 year old does not have a personalized stocking… she has been using generic all this time so I called my mom who made us quilted ones 15 years ago and guilted her a little and I am going to make both girls ones to match one my cousin made me 40 years ago… retro with english type initial out of red felt!

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