Of all the Blog articles I have written for my little company - this is my favorite! I wrote it in 2014 and I still get emotional when I read it!Read now
Christmas Shopping Here We Come! Only 300+ Days Left
Read nowGingerbread World is packing its bags and going shopping! For a second year in a row I am traveling to Germany to visit several trade shows to shop for beautiful and unique items to add to our online shop and...
Omas, iPhones and Instagram
Read nowWin the Battle for the Hearts, Minds and Thumbs of your grandchildren this Christmas! “Put that device away” will be a command (or plea?) in countless homes across the country this Christmas.Parents and grandparents will demand that kids put down...
Have You Seen our Ad in "Das Journal" German-Language Newspaper?
Read nowWe are really lucky here in Canada to have quite a number of German-language newspapers available. OK - I confess - I really can't read them as I don't know enough German - but I get some of it!!Das Journal...
Four Companies Impressing Customers with Lebkuchen Schmidt Gifts at Christmas
Read nowBuying Christmas gifts for customers and clients can be an even bigger challenge than buying for family and friends. What can a company give that stands out from all the other gifts customers receive? Here are four companies that order...
Zehn Gründe, warum Omas gerne Lebkuchen zu Weihnachten geben oder auch gerne emfangen!
Read nowIch habe ein Geständnis zu machen. Als ich diese kleine Firma, Gingerbread World, vor einem Jahr gekauft habe mochte ich Lebkuchen eigentlich nicht. Zumindest dachte ich dass ich keine Lebkuchen mag. Ich hatte ausgetrocknete Plätzchen in Erinnerung so mit seltsamen...