What is a Lidatorp and why go all the way to Sweden to get one?
Have you ever wanted something so bad you’re prepared to travel halfway across the world to get it and bring it home?! That’s about where I was at with the Lidatorp Candle Holder from the Swedish company Storefactory.
OK so I didn’t travel all the way to Europe just to get a candle holder…my husband Garry and I went to 5 countries this past winter – partially for his business and partly for Gingerbread World.
But we did have to make a considerable effort to get to the small city of Jönköping at the base of Lake Vättern – about midway between Copenhagen and Stockholm. After several days in Denmark we jumped on a train (actually 2 trains) and found a hotel in Jönköping. The following morning we called for a cab and headed to the Storefactory showroom and warehouse. Our goal: to bring home the iconic Lidatorp Candle Holders that I was seeing all over Pinterest and social media.
Months prior to our visit we had connected with the good people at Storefactory and they invited us to stop by during our European travels. They explained that their items are in such demand that they don’t ship outside of Europe (in some cases they won’t ship outside of Sweden!). If we wanted their items for our shop here in Canada we’d have to come pick them up ourselves.
When we arrived at the beautiful showroom, offices and warehouse we were warmly greeted by the staff – some of whom said a quick hello as they ran out the door with their suitcases on their way to yet another trade show. We were so pleased to meet Madeleine and Mats – the wife and husband team behind the designs and brand. Mats was running out the door but Madeleine and her team made us feel very welcome.
Storefactory designs celebrate clean lines and natural materials. Meant to be beautiful in their simplicity, they are interior details that fit into any type of home style. They are things you can love for a long time.
After spending some time in the showroom, we chose several pieces to bring back to Canada. While some staff packed up our order we went on a tour of the offices and met more lovely people and enjoyed a coffee in the lunchroom where the whole staff often eat lunch together around big tables.
With our three big boxes packed and ready, we called our cabbie back. He was game for adventure and together we found the closest DHL outlet and he helped us navigate our way in and through all the documents. There are a lot of good people around – all around the world – people who are willing to stop and help you out. This day in Jönköping we met a bunch of them.
The porcelain candle holders from Storefactory got back to Canada before we did. I was thrilled to find them at my house when we got home. And thrilled that customers all over North America were happy to order a Lidatorp candle holder for themselves.
There is a new shipment coming from Storefactory this Fall in time for the Holiday Season. It’s taking a circuitous path via Lebkuchen Schmidt – but at least I don’t have to pick it up!! Take a peek at the candle holders that will be available for Pre-Order starting August 29.
Hej då for now! That’s goodbye in Swedish (supposedly it rhymes with play-do!!)
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