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Gingerbread World European Christmas Market - What is Lebkuchen Blog

What is Lebkuchen?

What is Lebkuchen? (And how do you pronounce it?!)

Gingerbread World European Christmas Market - What is Lebkuchen

Lebkuchen or “layb-koo-chyen” are traditional German Christmas cookies famously baked in the city of Nuremberg. The word translates into English as “gingerbread”, but Lebkuchen cookies are nothing like the hard gingerbread we know in North America

Gingerbread World European Christmas Market - What is Lebkuchen

Lebkuchen are made with nuts and nut oils – hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds. The higher the nut content the more prestigious the cookie. Elisen Lebkuchen have a high percentage of nuts and nut oils and are the rolls royce of the various types of Lebkuchen.

Gingerbread World European Christmas Market - What is Lebkuchen

Lebkuchen is also made with honey. And with spices – an exotic array including coriander, cardamom, allspice, mace, star anise, ginger, cloves and cinnamon. You can also taste the hint of candied citrus.

Gingerbread World European Christmas Market - What is Lebkuchen

Lebkuchen cookies tend to be round or rectangular and are soft, moist and spicy sweet. They go well with coffee, tea, wine, and liqueurs. Enjoy them on their own or with fruit and chocolate.

Gingerbread World European Christmas Market - What is Lebkuchen

Lebkuchen has been baked in Europe since the 13th century. Recipes are carefully guarded secrets passed from generation to generation.

Gingerbread World European Christmas Market - What is Lebkuchen

Lebkuchen cookies and pastries (like Stollen and Dominosteine), are often packed together and presented in elaborately illustrated metal chests and tins. Fabulous as gifts!

Gingerbread World European Christmas Market - What is LebkuchenWant to know even more about Lebkuchen - click here
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