How to delight the kids on your Christmas list with a “World of German Goodness”!
My Oma was an incredible gift giver! She shopped all year and all over the world for her 15 grandchildren. But sometimes the gift itself wasn’t even the big deal…it was the way it was packed. One year all the goodies were packaged inside a small suitcase. Another year it was a beautiful wooden chest. So even the “wrapping paper” could be used again!
Knowing that many of our customers live far away from their grandchildren or their nieces and nephews, we as a family wanted to create a gift that was fun to give to young children – that was full of small items that a child could open and enjoy. We looked for things that could inspire conversation for kids – over the phone, via email or Skype – with the people who love them but who live elsewhere.
So we created The Children’s Globe and filled it with things we thought kids would like (things that we like!):
> The most kid friendly treats from Lebkuchen Schmidt –
Chocolate Spicy Goodies (Tamara’s favorite)
Speculatius (Signe’s favorite)
Stars (Loring’s favorite)
> Ritter Sport Milk Chocolate with Vanilla Crescent Cookie filling – for some reason square chocolate bars are just way more fun than rectangular ones!
> Haribo Classic Gummi Bears – if Mariel had her way these would actually be Smurf Gummi’s but we can’t seem to get them in Canada!
> Wobbly press n’ shake animal toy – these fun wooden toys serve no useful purpose but somehow you can’t put them down!
> Finger Puppets – and we found a script for the puppet show “The Frog Prince” so kids can put on a show right on Christmas Day!
And all this good stuff gets packed into a metal Globe which can later be used a piggy bank. As time goes on and birthdays and other occasions roll around, you can add to the Globe Bank with a little contribution ($$!!).
So why would such a gift “inspire conversation”!?
Well, the Globe and each of the items inside come from Germany – just like many Gingerbread World customers. So many people we talk to on the phone tell us stories of growing up in Germany and smelling fresh Lebkuchen baking during the Holiday season, of playing with wooden toys, of receiving Gummi Bears from their grandparents. We hope that each aspect of The Children’s Globe is a conversation starter that helps you share your heritage with the young ones in your life – because heritage is worth sharing.
We would love to hear your stories – please share them with us below in the Comment section.
Tamara Roehr and her family bought this little company - Gingerbread World - a little over a year ago and are enjoying working together to get ready for the Christmas season.
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