Of all the Blog articles I have written for my little company - this is my favorite! I wrote it in 2014 and I still get emotional when I read it!Read now
Omas, iPhones and Instagram
Read nowWin the Battle for the Hearts, Minds and Thumbs of your grandchildren this Christmas! “Put that device away” will be a command (or plea?) in countless homes across the country this Christmas.Parents and grandparents will demand that kids put down...
How to delight the kids on your Christmas list with a “World of German Goodness”!
Read nowMy Oma was an incredible gift giver! She shopped all year and all over the world for her 15 grandchildren. But sometimes the gift itself wasn’t even the big deal…it was the way it was packed. One year all the...
Zehn Gründe, warum Omas gerne Lebkuchen zu Weihnachten geben oder auch gerne emfangen!
Read nowIch habe ein Geständnis zu machen. Als ich diese kleine Firma, Gingerbread World, vor einem Jahr gekauft habe mochte ich Lebkuchen eigentlich nicht. Zumindest dachte ich dass ich keine Lebkuchen mag. Ich hatte ausgetrocknete Plätzchen in Erinnerung so mit seltsamen...
Ten Simple Activities to Get You and Your Grandchildren Talking this Summer
Read nowTen Simple Activities to Get You and Your Grandchildren Talking this Summer (or your nieces and nephews or friends’ young children or…)! Many grandparents travel during the summer to spend special time with grandchildren and young friends and relatives. Or those...