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Christmas Pre-Order begins August 28, 2024
Christmas Pre-Order begins August 28, 2024
Mukanzo Orphanage - The Bread Oven is Baking

Mukanzo Orphanage - The Bread Oven is Baking

Last Fall Elizabeth and I put our heads together to see if Gingerbread World and the European Ware Haus could help the Mukanzo Orphanage in Congo build a bread oven. We're excited to share that almost $2000 has been donated and the Bread Oven is up and running. And...we are going to continue donating 90% of the price of select items to help the orphanage buy baking supplies so they can make enough bread for the children to eat and also enough to sell in the market.

Here's a link to our original story where we explained what we wanted to do and why. It is a celebration of the long term commitment of Elizabeth (our customer service extraordinaire and my dear friend) and her daughter Maddie to the children who live and thrive at the Mukanzo Orphanage in Congo Africa.

Maddie, who is 16, let me know that "the bread oven is being used nearly every day! The children have been taught how to make bread and they now eat some every morning before they walk to school! We are very excited about it and the children are very happy with their bread!"

Elizabeth and Maddie sent me this video showing the Oven and the uniquely shaped loaves that are being baked.
Want to be involved? Shop for items in our Gummy Bear Collection and Vintage Volkswagen Collection - 90% of what you spend on these items will be donated to the Orphange. And spread the word to friends that may be interested in these items.

We are honored to be a small part of the very good work that friends Elizabeth and Maddie are doing with the Mukanzo Orphanage.


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